Meteor shower in southern spain? - shower spain public
I'm 30k north of Malaga, where the mountain without light pollution.
CHRISTMAS I have opinions, you know roughly when and where I can see that. Thank you very much
Meteor shower in southern spain? - shower spain public
I'm 30k north of Malaga, where the mountain without light pollution.
CHRISTMAS I have opinions, you know roughly when and where I can see that. Thank you very much
Keep the whole sky. Do not bring to the radiant. He missed a lot if you have poor vision periphrial if I do. Find, explore the sky (not consider in any direction over a longer period). At any time after midnight local time works well, provided a clear sky.
Research North-East (from the radiation of the shower, the constellation Perseus in the North-East will be), but the meteors can be anywhere in the sky.
The best time is observed, between midnight and dawn on Wednesday. The meteorologists say are perhaps the best piece of 4.5 and (1-2 Clock PT), which would be after dawn in Europe. A few Perseids can be on the night of Tuesday and Wednesday evening Thursday morning profile could be useful, too.
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