Friday, February 5, 2010

Teenage Boys Spanked By Girlfriend Is Spanking Effective Discipline For A Teenage Boy? If So, Til How Old? Not Effective? Too Embarassing?

Is spanking effective discipline for a teenage boy? If so, til how old? Not effective? Too embarassing? - teenage boys spanked by girlfriend

It is very effective in adolescence and beyond. It is very embarrassing, especially during puberty, but this is only because of efficiency.


Bobby G said...

Adolescence is a little old to be lost again. It can damage self-esteem. Instead, he ground.

h8mafami... said...

.. uh me as a teenager .. I say .. Spank Me, I more or rebel .. B Plus i dun care, I'll do it again .. it

jncsquar... said...

I do not think it at all effective ... especially for a teenager. There are many other forms of discipline that you could use. Take privileges would be better than beating. Each shot is not a cause of resentment and contempt between the child and parents. You do not need a lesson that will stay with them ... It teaches them that hitting is not right ... unless you're really bad then it is as long as you call it blows good. Not the message you want to save. Teach them and teach them that their actions have consequences ... and what is not taught with the beating.

maham said...

u can atleast beat up a man of 14 years. after this age or May, in anger against him, warn him, but continue to say what is good and what is wrong with giving a reason. sometimes difficult for him, and sometimes very loving, caring and funny, even as friends. to be unacceptable and know anger brewing in the wrong direction, but that u love him and want to look like a gentleman.
Character education, parents and teachers play an important role. Some children are simply and U can be treated with love and light of the warnings, but some are actually harder times and with that kind of guy who should walk very carefully. Love alone can not solve the problem, so that only the anger and spanking cause Wrose problem. to balance both ends, and you try to take your child to trust. so you can share the concerns and problems and

christia... said...

Teenagers are too old to leave spanked.You be in 8 years.

purple dove said...

for a teenager? I'm not sure, but you are crossing a legal line and morale. I am firmly convinced that it is worthwhile and if that means that the physical punishment, so be it. But think of the time the child reaches puberty .. Spanking can be at the top and could not even legal. find something your child really loves ... Video games, biking, skating, auto (if old enough), $$$$, - what is the reason (this week to live forever) and wellbasically deleted. And not in the cave, when he lamented. Make the punishment will be imposed.
In any case, good luck.

tree nut said...

Teenagers are too old to spank to. Adjust the suppression of behavior. Landing privileges or delete them might be a better solution. Ex-TV time, play time on the computer, telephone calls, etc. can be maintained. Be not too strong, if the offense is minor. Talk with your child, ask how their actions that you feel her out on the other can, which speak rudely, without.

Amy M said...

My son is 12 years old, damaged so much Spank him again, but it is more effective than punishment does not hurt his feelings ... was any age, if it all, which is rare indeed that support things that I would now suggest that I am struggling to delete it hates on the x-box 360 or television in his room with satellite .. . The iPod is also a good thing when they are old property for more and more and more painful lesson is learned when they are deprived of these elements ... Good luck

LilMikey said...

I would say it's a stupid penalty. Slightly more effective as a basis would probably be more effective.

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